Word From Pamela Boudrey

Thank you for visiting my page. Prayerfully you will be blessed by the events we have taken part in and you will feel compelled to register for one of our coaching programs that we offer. The Power of Releasing Program, Who Are You?, Create The Life You Love, Project G.E.N. and Living in Your  Brighter Future Program.

Unlocking her true self, she embraced self-love and eagerly anticipates the exciting journey that awaits her in alignment with God's plan. Pamela's transformation wasn't immediate; she had to shift her mindset, tame her words, distance herself from negativity, and forgive her past. Now dwelling in a realm of peace, gratitude, abundance, servanthood, generosity, and a resounding "YES" to God's will, Pamela is on a mission to guide others toward healing from within.

As a Certified Life Coach, Pamela has extensive personal development training from Peter Sage, Mary Morrissey, Nicola Smith Jackson, Tony Robbins and Les Brown. Pamela dedicates herself to the transformative power of forgiveness. She believes that forgiveness is the key to breaking free from self-destruction. Are you ready to be liberated? Pamela offers a12 week program designed to empower individuals to release the baggage of negativity, allowing them to step into a brighter and more fulfilling future. It's time to embrace the life you've always desired—let go and grow with Pamela's guidance.

FORGIVENESS is the Release from SELF DESTRUCTION! Are YOU ready to be RELEASED?

The Release Program:

Experiencing the Liberating Freedom of God.

I'm filled with gratitude for the ability to release and detach from the negativity that has unfolded in my life. I now navigate my existence with a liberated spirit, embracing love and being open to receiving it. Often, people are unaware of the reasons behind the stumbling blocks they encounter. Subconsciously, they tune out elements of their past—people, things, and places—to shield themselves from the recollection of traumatic experiences. It's understandable; who would willingly remember the tragic and hurtful events in their lives? Unfortunately, pushing these memories aside can have unrecognized consequences, manifesting as anger, bitterness, rudeness, depression, suicidal thoughts, neglect, self-doubt, and a lack of self-care.

Don't let the burden of un-forgiveness rob you of the best years of your life. Recognize that the healing process takes time; it's not an overnight transformation. However, with faith in God (or a Higher Power), who is capable of anything without failure, you can overcome. Don't procrastinate any longer—whether it's a minute, an hour, weeks, months, or years—break free from being stuck. Release today and embrace a life filled with abundance and freedom.


Register below

The Release Worksheet Registration

Feeling the need to Bless someone to experience being RELEASED. You are more the welcome to donate to empower someone to move from negativity and grow into their brighter future.

It takes a village to deliver and heal our children, families and community. It would be an honor if you could help us to heal someone, one person at a time. Click the donate button or cashapp: $pamelaboudrey